Maximum and Minimum

Maximum and Minimum

There are two different types of extremum (maximum or minimum) values of a function $y=f(x)$. We may consider a value of $y$ that is an extremum globally on the domain or we may also consider a value of $y$ that is an extremum locally around an $x$ value.

A function $f$ has an absolute maximum at $c$ if $f(c)\geq f(x)$ for all $x$ in the domain of $f$. Similarly, $f$ has an absolute minimum at $c$ if $f(c)\leq f(x)$ for all $x$ in the domain of $f$.

A function $f$ has a local maximum (or relative maximum) at $c$ if $f(c)\geq f(x)$ in some neighborhood of $c$ (i.e an open interval that contains $c$). Similarly, $f$ has a local minimum (or relative minimum) at $c$ if $f(c)\leq f(x)$ in some neighborhood of $c$.


The graph of f(x)=3x^4-16x^3+18x^2 on [-1,4]

The graph of f(x)=3x^4-16x^3+18x^2 on [-1,4]

The above figure shows the graph of $f(x)=3x^4-16x^3+18x^2$, $-1\leq x\leq 4$. It has a local maximum at $x=1$ and a local minimum at $x=3$. The local minimum $f(3)=-27$ is also an absolute minimum. $f$ has an absolute maximum $f(-1)=37$. This $f(-1)=37$ is not a local maximum by the way. The reason is that there is no local neighborhood around $x=-1$ as the domain is given by $[-1,4]$.

A natural question one may ask is whether a function always has an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum. You can easily find many examples that show that a function does not necessarily have an absolute maximum or an absolute minimum value. For instance, $y=x$ on $(-\infty,\infty)$ has neither an absolute maximum nor an absolute minimum. The function $y=x^2$ on $[0,1)$ has an absolute minimum 0 at $x=0$ but has no absolute maximum.

Theorem. [Max-Min Theorem, Fermat]
If $f$ is continuous on a closed interval $[a,b]$, then $f$ attains an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum on $[a,b]$.

The following theorem is also due to Fermat.

Theorem. If $f$ has a local maximum or a local minimum at $c$ and if $f'(c)$ exists, then $f'(c)=0$.

The converse of this theorem is not necessarily true i.e. $f'(c)=0$ does not necessarily mean that $f(c)$ is a local maximum or a local minimum. For example, consider $f(x)=x^3$. $f'(0)=0$ but $f(x)$ has neither a local maximum nor a local minimum at $x=0$ as shown in figure below.

The graph of f(x)=x^3

The graph of f(x)=x^3

The above theorem is important as an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum may be found among local maximum values, local minimum values and the evaluations of $f$ at the end points, $f(a)$ and $f(b)$. To find local maximum values and local minimum values, we first find points $c$ such that $f'(c)=0$. Such points are called critical points. The reason they are called critical points is that the graph of a function changes from increasing to decreasing or from decreasing to increasing at a critical point.

Definition. A critical point of a function $f(x)$ is a number $c$ in the domain of $f$ such that either $f'(c)=0$ or $f'(c)$ does not exist.

Recipe of Finding Absolute Maximum and Absolute Minimum

Let $f$ be a continuous function on a closed interval $[a,b]$.

Step 1. Find all critical points of $f$ in $(a,b)$.

Step 2. Evaluate $f$ at each critical point obtained in Step 1.

Step 3. Find $f(a)$ and $f(b)$.

Step 4. Compare all the values obtained in Steps 2 and 3. The largest value is the absolute maximum and the smallest value is the absolute minimum.

Example. Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum values of
$$f(x)=x^3-3x^2+1,\ -\frac{1}{2}\leq x\leq 4.$$


Step 1. Find all critical points of $f$ in $\left(-\frac{1}{2},4\right)$.

$f'(x)=3x^2-6x$. Set $f'(x)=0$ i.e. $3x^2-6x=0$. $3x^2-6x$ is factored as $3x(x-2)$. So we find two critical points $0, 2$.

Step 2. Evaluate $f$ at each critical point obtained in Step 1.

$f(0)=1$ and $f(2)=-3$.

Step 3. Find $f\left(-\frac{1}{2}\right)$ and $f(4)$.

$f\left(-\frac{1}{2}\right)=\frac{1}{8}$ and $f(4)=17$.

Step 4. Compare all the values obtained in Steps 2 and 3.

The largest value is $f(4)=17$ so this is the absolute maximum value of $f$ on $\left[-\frac{1}{2},4\right]$. The smallest value is $f(2)=-3$ so this is the absolute minimum of $f$ on $\left[-\frac{1}{2},4\right]$.

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