Directed Graphs

Directed graphs represent binary relations. They can be visualized as diagrams made up of points (called vertices or nodes) and arrows (called arcs or edges). Draw an arc from a vertex $v$ to a vertex $w$ to represent that $v$ is related to $w$ i.e. the ordered pair $(v,w)$ is in the relation.

Example 1. An example of a directed graph

Figure 1. A directed graph

Definition. A directed graph or digraph in short is an ordered pair $(V,A)$ where $V$ is an nonempty set and $A\subseteq V\times V$ (i.e. $A$ is a binary relation on $V$). The members of $V$ are called vertices or nodes and the members of $A$ are called arcs or edges. We write arcs as $v\to w$ rather than $(v,w)$.

In Example 1, $V=\{a,b,c,d,e\}$ and \begin{align*}A&=\{(a,b), (b,c), (a,c), (c,c), (c,d), (b,d),(d,b)\}\\&=\{a\to b, b\to c, a\to c, c\to c, c\to d, b\to d, d\to b\}\end{align*}

Transportation and computer networks have natural representations of digraphs.

A walk in a digraph is a way of proceeding through a sequence of vertices by following arcs i.e. a walk in a digraph $(V,A)$ is a sequence of vertices $v_0,v_1,\cdots,v_n\in V$ for some $n\geq 0$ such that $v_i\to v_{i+1}\in A$ for each $i<n$. The length of this walk is $n$ which is the number of arcs.

Example 2. In Example 1, $b\to d$, $b\to c\to d$, $b\to c\to c\to d$, $b\to d\to b\to d$ are examples of walks from vertex $b$ to vertex $d$. The length of $b\to d$ is 1, the length of $b\to c\to d$ is 2, the length of $b\to c\to c\to d$ is 3 and the length of $b\to d\to b\to d$ is also 3. There is no walk from vertex $b$ to vertex $a$.

A path is a walk that doesn’t repeat any vertex.

Example 3. Among the walks in Example 2, $b\to d$ and $b\to c\to d$ are paths from vertex $b$ to $d$.

A walk in which the first and the last vertex are the same is called a circuit. A circuit is called a cycle if the first and the last vertices are the only repeated vertex. For example, $b\to c\to c\to b\to b$ in the digraph in Example 1 is a circuit but is not a cycle. On the other hand, $b\to c\to d\to b$ is a cycle of length 3, $b\to d\to b$ is a cycle of length 2, and $c\to c$ is a cycle of length 1.

A digraph without any cycles is said to be acyclic. The digraph in Exam 1 is not acyclic as it contains cycles.

A walk can be reduced to a path by removing nontrivial cycles. Suppose that a walk from $v$ to $w$ $$v=v_0\to\cdots\to v_n=w$$ includes a cycle $v_i\to v_{i+1}\to\cdots\to v_j$ where $i<j$ and $v_i=v_j$. Then $$v=v_0\to\cdots\to v_i\to v_{j+1}\to\cdots\to v_n=w$$ is a shorter walk from $v$ to $w$.

Figure 2. Shortening of a walk by removing a cycle

For example, the walk $b\to d\to b\to d$ in Example 1 can be reduced to the path $b\to d$ by removing the cycle $b\to d\to d$.

A vertex $w$ is said to be reachable from vertex $v$ if there is a walk or a path from $v$ to $w$. The distance from vertex $v$ to vertex $w$ in a digraph $G$, denoted by $d_G(v,w)$, is the length of the shortest path from $v$ to $w$, or is defined to be $\infty$ if there is no path from $v$ to $w$. For example, the distance from $a$ to $d$ in the digraph in Example 1 is 2 because the shortest path is $a\to c\to d$.

Lemma. The distance from one vertex of a graph to another vertex is at most the length of any walk from the first to the second.

Proof. It follows from the fact that any walk from $v$ to $w$ includes among its arcs a path from $v$ to $w$.

A digraph in which every vertex is reachable from every other vertex is said to be strongly connected.

Let $G=(V,A)$ be a digraph. Let $V’\subseteq V$ and $A’\subseteq A$. Then $(V’,A’)$ is called a subgraph of $G$. $(V,\emptyset)$ is a subgraph of $G$.

Let $G=(V,A)$ be a digraph and $V’\subset V$. Then $$(V’,\{v\to w\in A: v,w\in V’\})$$ is called the subgraph induced by $V’$.

Example 4. The subgraph induced by $V\setminus\{e\}$ in Example 1 is not strongly connected. But the subgraph induced by $\{b,c,d\}$ is strongly connected.

Figure 3. The subgraph of the digraph in Example 1, that is induced by V-{e}.
Figure 4. The subgraph of the digraph in Example 1, that is induced by {b,c,d}.

An acyclic digraph is generally called a directed acyclic group or DAG in short.

The out-degree of a vertex is the number of arcs leaving it i.e. $|\{w\in V: v\to w\ \mbox{in}A\}|$. Similarly, the in-degree of a vertex is the number of arcs entering it.

Theorem. A finite DAG has at least one vertex of out-degree 0 and at least one vertex of in-degree 0.

Proof. Let $G=(V,A)$ be a finite DAG. Suppose that $G$ has no vertex of out-degree 0.

Figure 5. Example of vertices whose in-degree is 0 or whose out-degree is 0.

Pick a vertex $v_0$. Since $v_0$ has a positive out-degree, there exists an arc $v_0\to v_1$ for some vertex $v_1$. Since $v_1$ has a positive out-degree, there exists an arc $v_1\to v_2$ for some vertex $v_2$. One can continue doing this. But since $V$ is finite, some vertex will be repeated, creating a cycle. This is a contradiction to the graph $G$ being acyclic. A very similar argument can be made to show that $G$ has a vertex of in-degree 0.

In a DAG, a vertex of in-degree 0 is called a source and a vertex of out-degree 0 is called a sink.

A tournament graph

A tournament graph is a digraph in which every pair of distinct vertices are connected by an arc in one direction or the other, but not both. It is a natural representation of a round-robin tournament in which each players competes with all other plays in turn.

Example 5. The tournament graph in Figure 6 shows that $H$ beats both $P$ and $Y$, $Q$ beats $H$, $Y$ beats $P$, and $P$ beats $Q$. Hence we have a cycle $H\to P\to Q\to H$. Awkwardly, there is no champion!

Figure 6. A tournament graph

Example 6. The tournament graph in Figure 7 shows that $H$ beats $P$, $Y$, $D$, $Y$ beats $P$ and $D$, and $P$ beats $D$. Hence, $H$ is the first, $Y$ is the second, $P$ the third, and $D$ is the fourth places.

Figure 7. A tournament graph

The total number of arcs in a tournament graph with $n$ vertices is $\frac{n(n-1)}{2}$, since there is exactly one arc between each pair of distinct vertices.

A linear order, denoted by $\preceq$, is a binary relation on a finite set $S=\{s_0,s_1,\cdots,s_n\}$ such that $s_i\preceq s_j$ if and only if $i\leq j$.

Example 7. Let $S=\{\mbox{all English words}\}$. Define $s_i\preceq s_j$ to mean that $s_i$ appears before $s_j$ alphabetically or they are equal. Then $\preceq$ is a linear order. This particular linear order is called the lexicographic order or the dictionary order.

A strict order of a finite set, denoted by $\prec$, is an ordering such that $s_i\prec s_j$ if and only if $i<j$.

Theorem. A tournament graph represents a strict linear order if and only if it is a DAG.

Proof. Let $G=(V,A)$ be a tournament graph. Suppose that $G$ represents a strict order. This means that the path $$v_0\to v_1\to\cdots\to v_n$$ represents $$v_0\prec v_1\prec\cdots\prec v_n$$ so every arc goes from $v_i$ to $v_j$ if $i<j$. The graph is then acyclic because any cycle will have to include at least one arc $v_j\to v_i$ where $i<j$. Conversely suppose $G$ is a DAG. We show by induction that $G$ represents a strict order. If $G$ has only one vertex, clearly $G$ represents a strict order. If $G$ has more than one vertex, at least one of the vertices, say $v_0$, has in-degree 0. Since $G$ is a tournament graph, $G$ must contain each of the arc $v_0\to v_i$ ($i\ne 0$). Consider the subgraph induced by $V\setminus\{v_0\}$. This induced subgraph is also a DAG, since all its arcs are arcs of $G$. It is also a tournament graph. The subgraph includes all the arcs of $G$ except those entering from $v_0$. By induction hypothesis, the induced subgraph represents a strict linear order $$v_1\prec v_2\prec\cdots\prec v_n$$ Since $v_0\prec v_i$ for all $i\ne 0$, we have $$v_0\prec v_1\prec\cdots\prec v_n$$ This completes the proof.

Example 8. The tournament graph in Example 7 is a DAG and it represents a strict order $H\prec Y\prec P\prec D$, while the tournament graph in Example 6 doesn’t. (It is not a DAG.)


[1] Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science, Harry Lewis and Rachel Zax, Princeton University Press, 2019

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