Category Archives: Partial Differential Equations

Legendre Functions III: Special Values, Parity, Orthogonality

Special Values

From the generating function
when $x=1$ we obtain
&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty t^n,
since $|t|<1$. On the other hand,
$$g(1,t)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(1)t^n.$$
So by comparison we get
$$P_n(1)=1.$$ Similarly, if we let $x=-1$,
For $x=0$, the generating function results
$$(1+t^2)^{-1/2}=1-\frac{1}{2}t^2+\frac{3}{8}t^4+\cdots+(-1)^n\frac{1\cdot 3\cdots (2n-1)}{2^nn!}t^{2n}+\cdots.$$
Thus we obtain
P_{2n}(0)&=(-1)^n\frac{1\cdot 3\cdots (2n-1)}{2^nn!}=(-1)^n\frac{(2n-1)!!}{(2n)!!},\\
P_{2n+1}(0)&=0,\ n=0,1,2,\cdots.
Recall that the double factorial !! is defined by
(2n)!!&=2\cdot 4\cdot 6\cdots (2n),\\
(2n-1)!!&=1\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdots (2n-1).


$g(t,x)=g(-t,-x)$, that is
$$\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n=\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(-x)(-t)^n$$
which results the parity
$$P_n(-x)=(-1)^nP_n(x).\ \ \ \ \ (1)$$
(1) tells that if $n$ is even, $P_n(x)$ is an even function and if $n$ is odd, $P_n(x)$ is an odd function.


Multiply the Legendre’s diferential equation
$$\frac{d}{dx}[(1-x^2)P_n'(x)]+n(n+1)P_n(x)=0\ \ \ \ \ (2)$$ by $P_m(x)$.
$$P_m(x)\frac{d}{dx}[(1-x^2)P_n'(x)]+n(n+1)P_m(x)P_n(x)=0.\ \ \ \ \ (3)$$
Replace $n$ by $m$ in (2) and then multiply the resulting equation by $P_n(x)$.
$$P_n(x)\frac{d}{dx}[(1-x^2)P_m'(x)]+m(m+1)P_m(x)P_n(x)=0.\ \ \ \ \ (4)$$
Subtract (4) from (3) and integrate the resulting equation with respect to $x$ from $-1$ to 1.
Using integration by parts,
Since the integration of the second term inside $\{\ \ \}$ would have the same value, the LHS vanishes.
Hence for $m\ne n$,
$$\int_{-1}^1P_m(x)P_n(x)dx=0.\ \ \ \ \ (5)$$
That is, $P_m(x)$ and $P_n(x)$ are orthogonal for the interval $[-1,1]$.
For $x=\cos\theta$, the orthogonality (5) is given by
$$\int_0^\pi P_n(\cos\theta)P_m(\cos\theta)\sin\theta d\theta=0.$$

$$(1-2xt+t^2)^{-1}=\left[\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n\right]^2$$
with respect to $x$ from $-1$ to $1$. Due to the orthogonality (5), the integration of all the crossing terms in the RHS will vanish, and so we obtain
$$\int_{-1}^1\frac{dx}{1-2xt+t^2}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty \left\{\int_{-1}^1[P_n(x)]^2dx\right\}t^{2n}.$$
&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{2}{2n+1}t^{2n}\ (\mbox{since $|t|<1$}).
Therefore we have the normalizer of Legendre polynomial $P_n(x)$

Expansion of Functions

Suppose that
$$\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nP_n(x)=f(x).\ \ \ \ \ (6)$$
Multiply (6) by $P_m(x)$ and integrate with respect to $x$ from $-1$ to 1:
$$\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n\int_{-1}^1 P_n(x)P_m(x)dx=\int_{-1}^1f(x)P_m(x)dx.$$
By the orthogonality (5), we obtain
$$\frac{2}{2m+1}a_m=\int_{-1}^1f(x)P_m(x)dx\ \ \ \ \ (7)$$
and hence $f(x)$ can be written as
$$f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{2n+1}{2}\left(\int_{-1}^1 f(t)P_m(t)dt\right)P_n(x).\ \ \ \ \ (8)$$
This expansion in a series of Legendre polynomials is called a Legendre series. Clearly if $f(x)$ is continuous (or integrable) on the interval $[-1,1]$, it can be expanded as a Legendre series.

(7) can be considered as an integral transform, a finite Legendre transform and (8) can be considered as the inverse transform.

Let us consider the integral operator
$$\mathcal{P}_m:=P_m(x)\frac{2m+1}{2}\int_{-1}^1P_m(t)[\ \cdot\ ]dt.\ \ \ \ \ (9)$$
The operator (9) projects out the $m$th component of the function $f(x)$.

Legendre Functions II: Recurrence Relations and Special Properties

In this lecture, we derive some important recurrence relations of Legendre functions and use them to show that Legendre functions are indeed solutions of a differential equation, called Legendre’s differential equation.

Differentiating the generating function
$$g(x,t)=(1-2xt+t^2)^{-1/2}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n,\ |t|<1\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(1)}$$
with respect to $t$, we get
\frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial t}&=\frac{x-t}{(1-2xt+t^2)^{3/2}}\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(2)}\\&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty nP_n(x)t^{n-1}.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(3)}\end{align*}
(2) can be written as
By (1) and (3), we obtain
$$(x-t)\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n=(1-2xt+t^2)\sum_{n=0}^\infty nP_n(x) t^{n-1}$$ or
$$(1-2xt+t^2)\sum_{n=0}^\infty nP_n(x) t^{n-1}+(t-x)\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n=0$$
which can be written out as
\sum_{n=0}^\infty nP_n(x)t^{n-1}-\sum_{n=0}^\infty &2xnP_n(x)t^n+\sum_{n=0}^\infty nP_n(x)t^{n+1}\\&+\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^{n+1}-\sum_{n=0}^\infty xP_n(x)t^n=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(4)}\end{align*}
In (4) replace $n$ by $n+1$ in the first term, and replace $n$ by $n-1$ in the third and fourth term. Then (4) becomes
\sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)P_{n+1}(x)t^n-\sum_{n=0}^\infty &2xnP_n(x)t^n+\sum_{n=0}^\infty (n-1)P_{n-1}(x)t^n\\&+\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_{n-1}(x)t^n-\sum_{n=0}^\infty xP_n(x)t^n=0.
This can be simplified to
which implies that
$$(2n+1)xP_n(x)=(n+1)P_{n+1}(x)+nP_{n-1}(x).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(5)}$$
The recurrence relation (5) can be used to calculate Legendre polynomials. For example, we found $P_0(x)=1$ and $P_1(x)=x$ here. For $n=1$, (5) is
Continuing this using the recurrence relation (5), we obtain
A great advantage of having the recurrence relation (5) is that one can easily calculate Legendre polynomials using a computer with a simple programming. This can be easily done for instance in Maxima.

Let us load the following simple program to run the recurrence relation (5).

(%i1) Legendre(n,x):=block ([],
if n = 0 then 1
if n = 1 then x
else  ((2*n – 1)*x*Legendre(n – 1, x)-(n – 1)*Legendre(n – 2,x))/n);

(%o1) Legendre(n, x) := block([], if n = 0 then 1
else (if n = 1 then x else ((2 n – 1) x Legendre(n – 1, x)
– (n – 1) Legendre(n – 2, x))/n))

Now we are ready to calculate Legendre polynomials. For example, let us calculate $P_3(x)$.

(%i2) Legendre(3,x);

The output is not exactly what we may like because it is not simplified.

In Maxima, simplification can be done by the command ratsimp.

(%i3) ratsimp(Legendre(3,x));

The output is

That looks better. Let us calculate one more, say $P_4(x)$.

Now we differentiate $g(x,t)$ with respect to $x$.
$$\frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial x}=\frac{t}{(1-2xt+t^2)^{3/2}}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n'(x)t^n.$$
From this we obtain
$$(1-2xt+t^2)\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n'(x)t^n-t\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n=0$$
which leads to
$$P_{n+1}'(x)+P_{n-1}'(x)=2xP_n'(x)+P_n(x).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(6)}$$
Add 2 times $\frac{d}{dx}(5)$ to $2n+1$ times (6). Then we get
$$(2n+1)P_n=P_{n+1}'(x)-P_{n-1}'(x).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(7)}$$
$\frac{1}{2}[(6)+(7)]$ results
$$P_{n+1}'(x)=(n+1)P_n(x)+xP_n'(x).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(8)}$$
$\frac{1}{2}[(6)-(7)]$ results
$$P_{n-1}'(x)=-nP_n(x)+xP_n'(x).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(9)}$$
Replace $n$ by $n-1$ in (7) and add the result to $x$ times (9):
$$(1-x^2)P_n'(x)=nP_{n-1}(x)-nxP_n(x).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(10)}$$
Differentiate (10) with respect to $x$ and add the result to $n$ times (9):
$$(1-x^2)P_n^{\prime\prime}(x)-2xP_n'(x)+n(n+1)P_n(x)=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(11)}$$
The linear second-order differential equation (11) is called Legendre’s differential equation and as seen $P_n(x)$ satisfies (11). This is why $P_n(x)$ is called a Legendre polynomial.

In physics (11) is often expressed in terms of differentiation with respect to $\theta$. Let $x=\cos\theta$. Then by the chain rule,
\frac{dP_n(\cos\theta)}{d\theta}&=-\sin\theta\frac{dP_n(x)}{dx},\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(12)}\\ \frac{d^2P_n(\cos\theta)}{d\theta^2}&=-x\frac{dP_n(x)}{dx}+(1-x^2)\frac{d^2P_n(x)}{dx^2}.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(13)}
Using (12) and (13), Legendre’s differential equation (11) can be written as

Helmholtz Equation

Helmholtz equation
$$\nabla^2\psi+k^2\psi=0\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(1)}$$
is extremely important in physics. Solving many physically important partial differential equations such as heat equation, wave equation (Klein-Gordon equation), Maxwell’s equations, and Schrödinger equation, etc. often require solving Helmholtz equation (1).

In this notes, we discuss how to solve Helmholtz equation using separation of variables in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems. The solutions we discuss here will be used when you solve boundary value problems associated with Helmholtz equation.

Helmholtz Equation in Rectangular Coordinates

Assume that $\psi(x,y,z)=X(x)Y(y)Z(z)$. Then the equation (1) becomes
$$YZ\frac{d^2X}{dx^2}+XZ\frac{d^2Y}{dy^2}+XY\frac{d^2Z}{dz^2}+k^2XYZ=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(2)}$$
Dividing (2) by $XYZ$, we obtain
$$\frac{1}{X}\frac{d^2X}{dx^2}+\frac{1}{Y}\frac{d^2Y}{dy^2}+\frac{1}{Z}\frac{d^2Z}{dz^2}+k^2=0.\ \ \ \ \mbox{(3)}$$
Let us write (3) as
$$\frac{1}{X}\frac{d^2X}{dx^2}=-\frac{1}{Y}\frac{d^2Y}{dy^2}-\frac{1}{Z}\frac{d^2Z}{dz^2}-k^2.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(4)}$$
Now we have a paradox. The LHS of (4) depends only on the $x$-variable while the RHS of (4) depends on $y$ and $z$-variables. One way to to avoid this paradox is to assume that the LHS and the RHS of (4) is a constant, say $-l^2$. If you are wondering why we choose a negative constant, the reason comes from physics. For a physical reason, we need an oscillating solution which can be obtained by choosing a negative separation constant. Often boundary conditions for Helmholtz equation lead to a trivial solution for a positive separation constant. Continuing a similar process, we separate Helmholtz equation into three ordinary differential equations:
\frac{1}{X}\frac{d^2 X}{dx^2}&=-l^2,\\
where $k^2=l^2+m^2+n^2$.

Each mode is given by
$$\psi_{lmn}(x,y,z)=X_l(x)Y_m(y)Z_n(z)$$ and the most general solution is given by the linear combination of the modes

Helmholtz Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates

In cylindrical coordinate system $(\rho,\varphi,z)$, Helmholtz equation (1) is written as
$$\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial\rho}\left(\rho\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial\rho}\right)+\frac{1}{\rho^2}\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial\varphi^2}+\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial z^2}+k^2\psi=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(5)}$$

We assume that $\psi(\rho,\varphi,z)=P(\rho)\Phi(\varphi)Z(z)$. Then (5) can be written as
$$\frac{\Phi Z}{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial\rho}\left(\rho\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial\rho}\right)+\frac{PZ}{\rho^2}\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial\varphi^2}+P\Phi\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial z^2}+k^2=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(6)}$$
As we have done in rectangular coordinate system, by introducing the separation constants we can separate (6) into three ordinary differential equations
\rho\frac{d}{d\rho}\left(\rho\frac{dP}{d\rho}\right)+(n^2\rho^2-m^2)P=0,\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(7)}
where $n^2=k^2+l^2$. The last equation (7) is Bessel’s differential equation.

The general solution of Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates is given by

Helmholtz Equation in Spherical Coordinates

In spherical coordinates $(r,\theta,\varphi)$, Helmholtz equation (1) is written as
$$\frac{1}{r^2\sin\theta}\left[\sin\theta\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^2\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial r}\right)+\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\left(\sin\theta\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial\theta}\right)+\frac{1}{\sin\theta}\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial\varphi^2}\right]=-k^2\psi.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(8)}$$
Assume that $\psi(r,\theta,\varphi)=R(r)\Theta(\theta)\phi(\varphi)$. Then (8) can be written as
$$\frac{1}{Rr^2}\frac{d}{dr}\left(r^2\frac{dR}{dr}\right)+\frac{1}{\Theta r^2\sin\theta}\frac{d}{d\theta}\left(\sin\theta\frac{d\Theta}{d\theta}\right)+\frac{1}{\Phi r^2\sin^2\theta}\frac{d^2\Phi^2}{d\varphi^2}=-k^2.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(9)}$$
By introducing separation constants, (9) is separated into three ordinary differential equations
\frac{1}{\sin\theta}\frac{d}{d\theta}\left(\sin\theta\frac{d\Theta}{d\theta}\right)+\left(Q-\frac{m^2}{\sin^2\theta}\right)\Theta=0,\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(10)}\\
\frac{1}{r^2}\frac{d}{dr}\left(r^2\frac{dR}{dr}\right)+\left(k^2-\frac{Q}{r^2}\right)R=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(11)}
The second equation (10) is the associated Legendre equation with $Q=l(l+1)$. The third equation (11) is spherical Bessel equation with $k^2>0$.

The general solution of Helmholtz equation (8) is then given by

The restriction that $k^2$ be a constant is unnecessary. For instance the separation process will still be possible for $k^2=f(r)$. If $k^2=f(r)$, (11) is the associated Laguerre equation. The associated Laguerre equation is appeared in the hydrogen atom problem in quantum mechanics.

Legendre Functions I: A Physical Origin of Legendre Functions

Consider an electric charge $q$ placed on the $z$-axis at $z=a$.

Electric Potential

The electrostatic potential of charge $q$ is $$\varphi=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{r_1}.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(1)}$$ Using the Laws of Cosine, one can write $r_1$ in terms of $r$ and $\theta$:
and thereby the electrostatic potential (1) can be written as
$$\varphi=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0}(r^2+a^2-2ar\cos\theta)^{-1/2}.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(2)}$$

Recall the Binomial Expansion Formula: Suppose that $x,y\in\mathbb{R}$ and $|x|>|y|$. Then
$$(x+y)^r=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\begin{pmatrix}r\\k\end{pmatrix}x^{r-k}y^k,\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(3)}$$ where $\begin{pmatrix}r\\k\end{pmatrix}=\frac{r!}{k!(r-k)!}$.

Legendre Polynomials: If $r>a$ (or more specifically $r^2>|a^2-2ar\cos\theta|$), we can expand the radical to obtain:
$$\varphi=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(\cos\theta)\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^n.$$ The coefficients $P_n$ are called the Legendre polynomials. The Legendre polynomials can be defined by the generating function
$$g(t,x)=(1-2xt+t^2)^{-1/2}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)t^n,\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(4)}$$ where $|t|<1$. Using the binomial expansion formula (3), we obtain
(1-2xt+t^2)^{-1/2}&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{(2n)!}{2^{2n}(n!)^2}(2xt-t^2)^n\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(5)}\\
Let us write out the first three terms:
Thus we see that $P_0(x)=1$, $P_1(x)=x$, and $P_2(x)=\frac{3}{2}x^2-\frac{1}{2}$. In practice, we don’t calculate Legendre polynomials using the power series (5). Instead, we use the recurrence relation of Legendre polynomials that will be discussed later.

The Maxima name for Legendre polynomial $P_n(x)$ is legendre_p(n,x). The following graphs of $P_2(x)$, $P_3(x)$, $P_4(x)$, $P_5(x)$, $-1\leq x\leq 1$ is made by Maxima using the command:


Legendre Polynomials

Now expand the polynomial $(2xt-t^2)^n$ in the power series (5):
&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{k=0}^n(-1)^k\frac{(2n)!}{2^{2n}n!k!(n-k)!}(2x)^{n-k}t^{k+n}.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(6)}
By rearranging the order of summation, (6) can be written as
$$(1-2xt+t^2)^{-1/2}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{k=0}^{[n/2]}(-1)^k\frac{(2n-k)!}{2^{2n-2k}k!(n-k)!(n-2k)!}(2x)^{n-2k}t^n,$$ where
\frac{n}{2} & \mbox{for} & n=\mbox{even}\\
\frac{n-1}{2} & \mbox{for} & n=\mbox{odd}.

$$P_n(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{[n/2]}(-1)^k\frac{(2n-k)!}{2^{2n-2k}k!(n-k)!(n-2k)!}(2x)^{n-2k}.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(7)}$$
In practice, we hardly use the formula (7). Again, we use the recurrence relation of Legendre polynomials instead.

Electric Dipole: The generating function (3) can be used for the electric multipole potential. Here we consider an electric dipole. Let us place electric charges $q$ and $-q$ at $z=a$ and $z=-a$, respectively.

Electric Dipole Potential

The electric dipole potential is given by
$$\varphi=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\left(\frac{1}{r_1}-\frac{1}{r_2}\right).\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(8)}$$
$r_2$ is written in terms of $r$ and $\theta$ using the Laws of Cosine as
So by the generating function (3), the electric dipole potential (8) can be written as
\varphi&=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}\left\{\left[1-2\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)\cos\theta+\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^2\right]^{-\frac{1}{2}}-\left[1+2\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)\cos\theta+\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^2\right]^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right\}\\
&=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}\left[\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(\cos\theta)\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^n-\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(\cos\theta)(-1)^n\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^n\right]\\
&=\frac{2q}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}\left[P_1(\cos\theta)\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)+P_3(\cos\theta)\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^3+\cdots\right]
for $r>a$.

For $r\gg a$,
$$\varphi\approx\frac{2aq}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}\frac{P_1(\cos\theta)}{r^2}=\frac{2aq}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}\frac{\cos\theta}{r^2}.$$
This is usual electric dipole potential. The quantity $2aq$ is called the dipole moment in electromagnetism.

Spherical Bessel Functions

When the Helmholtz equation is separated in spherical coordinates the radial equation has the form
$$r^2\frac{d^2R}{dr^2}+2r\frac{dR}{dr}+[k^2r^2-n(n+1)]R=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(1)}$$
The equation (1) looks similar to Bessel’s equation.  If we use the transformation $R(kr)=\frac{Z(kr)}{(kr)^{1/2}}$, (1) turns into Bessel’s equation
$$r^2\frac{d^2Z}{dr^2}+r\frac{dZ}{dr}+\left[k^2r^2-\left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right)^2\right]Z=0.\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(2)}$$
Hence $Z(kr)=J_{n+\frac{1}{2}}(x)$, Bessel function of order $n+\frac{1}{2}$ where $n$ is an integer.

Spherical Bessel Functions: Spherical Bessel functions of the first kind and the second kind are defined by
Spherical Bessel functions $j_n(kr)$ and $n_n(kr)$ are two linearly independent solutions of the equation (1).

One can obtain power series representations of $j_n(x)$ and $n_n(x)$ using Legendre Duplication Formula

$$z!\left(z+\frac{1}{2}\right)!=2^{-2z-1}\pi^{1/2}(2z+1)!$$ from $$J_{n+\frac{1}{2}}(x)=\sum_{s=0}^\infty\frac{(-1)^s}{s!\left(s+n+\frac{1}{2}\right)!}\left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^{2s+n+\frac{1}{2}}:$$
From these power series representations, we obtain
j_0(x)&=\frac{\sin x}{x}\left(=\sum_{s=0}^\infty\frac{(-1)^s}{(2s+1)!}x^{2s}\right)\\
n_0(x)&=-\frac{\cos x}{x}\\
j_1(x)&=\frac{\sin x}{x^2}-\frac{\cos x}{x}\\
n_1(x)&=-\frac{\cos x}{x^2}-\frac{\sin x}{x}.
Orthogonality: Recall the orthogonality of Bessel functions
$$\int_0^aJ_\nu\left(\frac{\alpha_{\nu p}}{a}\rho\right)J_\nu\left(\frac{\alpha_{\nu q}}{a}\rho\right)\rho d\rho=\frac{a^2}{2}[J_{\nu+1}(\alpha_{\nu p})]^2\delta_{pq}$$ as discussed here. By a substitution, we obtain the orthogonality of spherical Bessel functions
$$\int_0^aj_n\left(\frac{\alpha_{np}}{a}\rho\right)j_n\left(\frac{\alpha_{nq}}{a}\rho\right)\rho^2 d\rho=\frac{a^3}{2}[j_{n+1}(\alpha_{np})]^2\delta_{pq},$$ where $\alpha_{np}$ and $\alpha_{nq}$ are roots of $j_n$.

Example: [Particle in a Sphere]

Let us consider a particle inside a sphere with radius $a$. The wave function that describes the state of the particle satisfies Schrödinger equation
$$-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2\psi=E\psi\ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(3)}$$
with boundary conditions:
&\psi(r\leq a)\ \mbox{is finite},\\
This corresponds to a potential $V=0$, $r\leq a$ and $V=\infty$, $r>a$. Here $m$ is the mass of the particle, $\hbar=\frac{h}{2\pi}$ is the reduced Planck constant (also called Dirac constant).
Note that (3) is the Helmholtz equation $\nabla^2\psi+k^2\psi=0$ with $k^2=\frac{2mE}{\hbar^2}$, whose radial part satisfies
$$\frac{d^2R}{dr^2}+\frac{2}{r}\frac{dR}{dr}+\left[k^2-\frac{n(n+1)}{r^2}\right]R=0.$$ Now we determine the minimum energy (zero-point energy) $E_{\mbox{min}}$. Since any angular dependence would increase the energy, we take $n=0$. The solution $R$ is given by
$$R(kr)=Aj_0(kr)+Bn_0(kr).$$ Since $n_0(kr)\rightarrow\infty$ at the origin, $B=0$. From the boundary condition $\psi(a)=0$, $R(a)=0$, i.e. $j_0(ka)=0$. Thus $ka=\frac{2mE}{\hbar}a=\alpha$ is a root of $j_0(x)$.The smallest $\alpha$ is the first zero of $j_0(x)$, $\alpha=\pi$. Therefore,
where $h$ is the Planck constant. This means that for any finite sphere, the particle will have a positive minimum energy (or zero-point energy).